Healing is possible.
In person therapy sessions
My office is conveniently located in Orem, UT, near University Place and easily accessible by car or public transit. Covid-19 precautions are taken to provide a safe environment for you.
Virtual therapy sessions
Whether you live outside of Utah County or just prefer to do therapy from the comfort of your bed, virtual sessions are always available.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a memory-based treatment approach that uses bi-lateral stimulation (tapping, eye movements, or tones) to help distressing emotions and negative beliefs become less overwhelming. When we experience something that our brain registers as traumatic, those memories are not stored in the brain properly. EMDR uses the brains natural healing mechanisms to reprocess the memory so it is stored correctly, therefore becoming less distressing. EMDR can be used to treat many different issues. I specifically use EMDR to treat past trauma, body image distress, anxiety, fears or phobias, and more. EMDR is a specialized therapy modality that requires clinicians to have additional training and consultation. EMDR can be done in person or virtually. Feel like EMDR might be helpful for you? Find out more here or watch the video below.