Reaching out for help is hard. I am glad you are here.
Hi, I’m Nicole!
I’m a licensed therapist and EMDR clinician. I specialize in treating women with body image struggles, eating disorders, anxiety, and trauma.
Starting therapy can be scary. Here is what you can expect from therapy with me:
I bring warmth, compassion, and my authentic self to the therapeutic relationship and invite you to bring your whole messy self as well. I will ask you to lean into the discomfort and sit with your emotions and I’ll hold space for you as you explore them. You will not get a quick fix or how-to guide on solving your problems because I believe true change requires digging deep into the stuff you want to avoid. I welcome humor and laughter as a means to bring some lightness and self-love, but never at your expense. I will remember the things we have talked about and the details of your life, big or small, that you have shared with me because I want you to feel seen when you are in my office and those details matter. I approach therapy from a client-centered and trauma-informed lens. If you want a therapist that will sit with you while you explore tough stuff AND you can share a funny tiktok with, I’m your gal.
I’m body/size-positive and work from a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach. Diets don’t work and your value and worth have no relation to your size.
I have 18 years experience working with individuals struggling with eating disorders . My undergraduate degree is in Dietetics and I planned to be an eating disorder dietitian until realizing talking to people about their feelings rather than food was my passion. I completed my Masters of Social Work from the University of Utah. I am trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and use it in combination with other therapy modalities to help my clients work through painful emotions and experiences that keep them stuck. EMDR is a helpful tool in healing past experiences and negative beliefs. To learn more about EMDR click here.
Feel like we could be a good fit? Sign up for a free consultation or send me a message!